Sansevieria suffruticosa
Синонимы: Sansevieria sufuticosa, Sansevieria suffruticosa
"THE SANSEVIERIA BOOK" by Hermine Stover, 1983:
Prostrate branching main stem 24”-30” long branch covered in leaf-scales which gradually turn into 7-8 leaves up to 18” long per growth. Leaves are cylindrical, tipped with a brown spine, and clasp or encircle the main stem in irregular rosettes. Color consists of alternate bandings of light and dark green on rough textured skin. Horizontally borne branches terminate in individual plants often carried a few inches above the soil and anchored by means of stilt roots put down by the new plant. Babies may be separated from parent at any time, give no indication of needing special encouragement to cause them to root. They often root into the pots of other plants.
Добавлено 29.11.2014