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Главная » Фотоальбом » Суккуленты » Сансевиерии - разное » S.fischeri (singularis)

S.fischeri (singularis)

Formerly known as singularis. Young plants have strongly marked leaves in a rosette but with age develop cylindrical leaves. Flowers at ground level.

Acaulescent herb; rhizome subterranean, 5–9 cm long, 2–3 cm in diameter. Leaves solitary, erect, rigid, cylindric, (0.8–)1.5–2(–3) m long, 2–3 cm thick at the middle, slightly rough, slightly tapering upwards to apex, narrowing to a stout acute whitish hardly prickly point; juvenile with a concave channel 0.4–0.6 cm wide, 0.2–0.4 cm deep on upper surface and almost closed at leaf apex; 4–6 longitudinal impressed lines on the sides and back which deepen into furrows with age, dull green or bluish green, often with a brownish tint and entirely greyish green when mature, slightly subglaucous especially when young, and then marked with numerous closely placed transverse pale green bands which disappear with age; margin in juveniles brownish red to grey-green with a whitish grey membrane on the outer side, the brownish grey margin disappear with age; basal scaly leaves flat, very reduced, ensheathing the solitary cylindrical leaf, 8–10, 6.5–10(–13) × 2.5–3.5 cm, membranous, subulate tip less than 0.1 cm long, very evident parallel veins, translucent membranous grey-white margins (brownish white on live material); 7 back grooves, 3–4 lines in the channel. Inflorescence lateral, emerges beside the leaf, crowded corymbose-capitate, 8–10 cm long, open crown diameter up to 12–19 cm; flowers appear solitary above, erect; bracteoles 0.4–0.8 cm long, at base of cluster or each flower; base of cluster 0.3 cm thick; pedicels 0.6–0.9 cm long, very loosely jointed at base. Flower white sometimes tinged with violet, perianth 2.8–3.5 cm long, 0.2–0.3 cm wide; tube 1.2–1.6 cm long, lobes 0.8–0.9(–1.3) cm long; stamens 1.2–1.4 cm, anthers 0.3 cm; style 2.4–2.6 cm long,.

Источник: Flora of tropical East Africa. Dracaenaceae.

Sansevieria fischeri
Sansevieria fischeri, formally S. singularis is an interesting plant with it's leaves folded inward creating a channel. A further odd feature of this sansevieria is that immature plants look entirely distinct from adult forms. When young the plants make clusters of rosettes of thick, downward curving, channeled leaves of an interesting, mottled green color. A plant with multiple rosettes may be quite large and seem full grown, but at some point the growths will change to erect single leaves only, and a mature specimen will consist of a number of these very thick, very large leaves, up to several feet tall, protruding out of the ground with no sign of the rosettes from which they began!
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Добавлено 02.07.2014 Irina

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