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Главная » Фотоальбом » Суккуленты » Сансевиерии - разное » Коко


Фото https://www.flickr.com/photos/89585600@N04/8207255597/in/album-72157632075211904/

A distinct plant found at the plantings of Koko Crater, Oahu, Hawaii. It is an unidentified species that someone labeled "Koko" for Koko Crater Botanical Gardens. The plant forms a rather symmetrical fan shape growth form with cylindrical like red-edged leaves. It has been reported this plant looks like a squatty S. deserti, however, S. 'Koko' has more leaves and more distinct markings. Juan Chahinian reported in Sansevieria Journal, Vol. 4, that he had similar plants with collection data from Kenya. When grown in strong light this plant takes on a lime-yellow color and when I received my plant is was of this light color. I have reduced the intensity of the light and the color has turned to a very pleasant shade of medium green. S. 'Koko' is a highly desirable

Sansevieria patens was introduced by Ed Eby. He found it in Koko Crater in
Ed Eby found a little plant dying there. He rescued and promptly sent
propagules to everybody he knew. Alice Waidhofer may have gotten the first
one, but Ed sent others to Hermine and me directly. So I really do not know
what Alice means by distributing the plant in the US.

Clearly: there are NO sansevierias in Hawaii. They were introduced there when
the project for finding a better fiber here in Florida went belly up. USDA,
after the appearance of nylon, decided to move the collection from Belle
Glades, Fla. to Hawaii in Koko Crater. I was Belle Glades about twelve years
ago and got all the written material that was left, which was very little. I
brought back also a few plants.

Contrary to what Nathan Wong says, Sansevieria sp. 'Koko' was named for Koko
Crater, Hi. The name was given by Ed Eby, since he found a few plants that
had lost the aluminum tag. He was correct, since it appears to be a species
and when one needs a fast name, that name is as good a any. It is certainly
better than calling it S. sp.'Hollywood'. There is no place called Koko in
I have a plant from Kenya with collection data that looks quite close to this
Ed also named an obvious hybrid with after wife name: Sansevieria 'Alva' (no
species here)

ex. Thailand 2015
Мои дополнительные фотоархивы https://www.flickr.com/photos/129104310@N07/albums
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Добавлено 26.06.2015 Irina

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