PLAYTIME - Плэйтайм
Белые цветки с двухцветными широкими лучами вдоль лепестка желтого к центру и красно-розового цвета к кончикам лепестка, темно-красный крап. Высота растения 100-120 см.
Рекомендуется более глубокая (20-25 см) посадка и сухое укрытие на зиму.
Lilium 'Playtime' is a very striking and unusual variety with large, fragrant white flowers spotted crimson, with a bar in the centre of each petal, carmine-rose at the top, yellow below, grading to olive-green, in July. Height 90-100cm. Lovely drifted through a border and delightful as a cut flower. Hardy and easy to grow, gradually increasing over the years. Plant bulbs 10-15cm deep, 20-30cm apart, in well-drained, fertile soil with compost or leaf mould worked into it before planting, in dappled shade or morning sun and afternoon shade. If planting in heavy soil, put a bed of coarse grit at the base of the planting hole.
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Добавлено 04.08.2013